Designed for updates, bits of undeniable wit, unasked for wisdom and story scraps.

Currently Available Books

Monday, April 21, 2014

Shadows On The Wall Cover Reveal!

Today is the day, my pretties! Cover reveal day! Prepare yourself, because it is so beautiful you may gasp...

Shadows On The Wall is available for pre-order from Amazon at this time, at  25% the list price!

Don't forget: May 27th is the release date!

If you are a reviewer, or would like to be one, I still have a few Advanced Reading Copies available in both eBook and Paperback!
Send me an email at:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

As Promised: Save The Dates

Last time I posted I promised I would be setting some official dates for you to look forward to. Let it never be said I don't keep my promises!

Cover Reveal: April 21st

eBook, Paperback Available: May 27th

I'm still planning to send out ARC's, so if you're interested shoot me an email at :

I'm also going to be doing a Giveaway on Goodreads, but I don't have a hard date for that one yet.

Bookmarks are on order to go out with ARC's and Giveaway copies!

Next on my To-Do List:

1. Finish designing eBook
2. Make a book trailer for YouTube

It's a long process, but it's fun, and totally worth it! Thanks for reading, and help spread the word!