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Currently Available Books

Monday, August 22, 2011

So...what now?

Only The Stars Know is now available for only $0.99 as an Amazon ebook. You can even download Kindle for PC for free! (and it's pretty dang fast too)...I mean, what could be better? Plus, the paperback version will soon be available from CreateSpace and then you (and I) can hold it, smell it, reread it and place it on our treasured bookshelves.
So, what's next for the Shanco team?
Here's the plan:
1. Find book reviewers to tackle OSK and (hopefully) tell me they love it!
2. Travel to the ocean to do some much needed research on my next project, tentatively titled Selkie Dance.
3. Finish Selkie Dance so that I can actually concentrate on The Immortal World again.
4. Start work revising Shadows On The Wall. This is going to be the biggest task, because it needs so much work.
By far, Shadows On The Wall was always the fan favorite. Don't ask me why, it was my least favorite. But, I think the revision is going to be fantastic. I just have to get disciplined enough to sit down and do it.
I will leave it up on Fiction Press for jut a little longer, so you can refresh your memories. But be warned, it is going to change almost as completely as Blood's Faith did when it became Only The Stars Know.
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