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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

39 Reasons

Yestereve whilst at work I let vent to my annoyances by compiling a list. It amuses me to share that list with you now.

39 Reasons
To Be A Hermit

1. People Suck.
2. Rob is not coming back.
3. Quiet.
4. No interruptions when writing.
5. Plenty of long walks.
6. Go to sleep when I want.
7. Wake up when I want.
8. No roommate..
9. Have as many cats as I want.
10. Raise bunnies.
11. No job necessary.
12. Stop being reminded of exes.
13. Read books as often and as long as I want.
15. Get dressed when and how I please.
16. Talk to myself without getting weird looks.
17. No human interaction.
18. Be as sarcastic as I want.
19. Be whomever I want.
20. Act as bichy as I want.
21. Sing loudly.
22. Dance crazy.
23. Go barefoot.
24. Never straighten my hair.
25. No stupid people.
26. Adopt-A-Panther
27. Have a pack of dogs.
28. No longer feign interest.
29. Sleep in the woods, or on the beach.
30. Pretend I am happier alone.
31. Train Pangur to kill.
32. Shooting practice once a day.
33. Hire a Robin-like servant to do my bidding.
34. People suck so bad it hurts behind my eyes..
35. No more people ignorant of their own ignorance.
36. No more meaningless conversations.
37. No more hiding what I think.
38. Start a witch rumor, and follow up on it.
39. People REALLY SUCK.
Postscript: Yes, this was written on a napkin.

Post-Postscript: Yes, the number 39 is a random number I came up with for no very good reason.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Waiting On The World

And I keep waiting, waiting on the world.

I seem to be having one of the rough days. The kind where it seems like everything is in slow motion, just waiting on that first spark that catches.

Do you know, when you're reading a book and at some point a week goes by in steady time for the main character and the author just summarizes it in a few paragraphs?

I feel as though this year and maybe even last year, could be summarized in a few paragraphs and just slipped into the middle of the book. It's the kind of thing a reader guiltily skims through, not really worried about the down time, but not appreciating that the main character had to go through all of that. Every minute of it, experience it all...and you just skimmed a couple paragraphs and it was over.

I'm not trying to make you feel bad (well, maybe a little) but you have to admit, the analogy brings a certain poignancy to the boredom that is right now for me.

On the upside, I might be getting some time off from work in the next couple months where I could possibly devote a large amount of time to writing.

I have been feeling mentally constipated (I apologize for the crudity, but that is truly the best metaphor) lately and really need to get it all out on paper. I figure, time off and no money will prove a very good laxative.

Now I really feel bad about that metaphor. Seriously, I am sorry. This sort of thing will only get worse until I find time to really write.