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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Oh Good Gracious...

How long has it been since I blogged????

What the heck happened to me??


These are some questions you may have been asking, I know I have. Then you saw my OSK VidBook post and probably thought I had lost my mind...then you saw the OSK VidBook Prologue and thought I was a genius....


You had best agree with that. Meaning: You had best have seen the Prologue on YouTube. (If you didn't my heart shall wither and die)

Just In Case:

Well, I'm partial to a little blood and guts I suppose, but I think that was pretty darned good.

Anywho, so yes, that is what is up with me. No, I didn't die (though I plan to at some point in my life).

Essentially my entire life comes down to juggling necessity ('real' job) with my greatest passion (writing)...My greatest passion is overwhelmed by the necessity to destroy the necessity for a 'real' job. Which means marketing Only The Stars Know like a death bead patient with only another year to live.

Other things going on in the life of me: poking Pangur Ban in the stomach whilst she sleeps, avoiding grocery shopping in the hopes that I'll magically grow (shrink?) thin, attempting to force small paychecks to cover big bills.

Not all that exciting...or realistic for that matter.

Things going on the in the writing world of me:

Giveaway of Only The Stars Know by Lindsay Mead, The Book Vlogger! Starting sometime this afternoon on her lovely YouTube channel: Lindsay Mead TBV

Chapter 1 of the VideoBook went up Monday afternoon: OSK Chapter 1 VidBook

And I am developing a plan to enter the (ABNA) Amazon Break Through Novel Award for 2013. I have not yet decided which book to enter because I am a lazy bum who sits on her cushy arse rather than writes Shadows On The Wall.

I also just upgraded to Google+ even though I have absolutely no idea what that means or what to do with it..

You may not have noticed this, so I'll tell you: the world of my writing is much more busy/fascinating that my 'real' life.

In the end you are likely still wondering why I have not blogged all of these wonderful things. I am sorry to leave you wondering.

.... te-hee.

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