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Monday, January 20, 2014

Die For Me Again (Rewrite Begins!)

Those of you who follow me on Facebook know that a few months ago I finally finished the rewrite of Shadows On The Wall. I delivered to the manuscript (about 54,000 words) to Editor Pat and she had been diligently working on the edits since then. Notice, I write 'diligently' but there's not been much 'gentle' about it. I often get into the trap of assuming you all can see exactly what is in my head, so I don't write it out. Of course, the majority of you readers are not, in fact, mind readers, so this is a problem. I suspect that once I receive the manuscript back I will be adding a solid 5000 words to it.

Whilst I wait, though, I have grown bored! In addition to tearing up Pinterest with Die For Me Again boards, I have begun the rewrite on said novel. It is going absolutely swimmingly! I forgot how much I love this book and it's characters. Well, that's not hard seeing as Angela Estrada doesn't particularly love me back. All the same, I adore her and writing her story gives me a lot of smiles.

Thus far, I have completed the newly added prologue, and the first two chapters. I have kept in mind Editor Pat's complaints with SOTW, so hopefully I shall stay out of the same traps I have fallen into on the last two books.

On a side note about SOTW, I have added it to Goodreads, sans a cover or blurb, but you may add it there To Be Read!

My Writing Board has morphed into the Post-Writing Board with a checklist for SOTW about a mile long...of which only 3 things have been checked off. However, I am hoping it will go rather faster once I actually have the book again.

As always, check me out on Facebook for slightly less irregular updates! Until then, aufwiedersehen!

From Cam to Ange : )
Angela Estrada

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