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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Point Arena & Point Reyes Trip

First of all, a quick note: Only The Stars Know now shows up on Amazon! Huzzah! Unfortunately, in order to make it available through Amazon I had to raise the price to $17. I was very annoyed by this, but it is so that they get a cut of the action. Otherwise, what is the incentive for them to carry it?

I am trying to think of a less expensive way to distribute the book, and might even decide to ship them out myself. I'm not sure yet, but if that's the case I might be able to get the price as low as $14 after shipping. Updates shall be forthcoming.

In other news, I just got back from my trip to the ocean last night! What a whirlwind trip! I left at 6am Monday, after a sleepless night and drove until 12:30 when I reached Point Arena. I ended up on some very interesting roads, and not altogether fun ones. I am very glad that I learned to drive in the Sierra Nevadas, because the Coastal Range sucks but still can't quite compete with Eastern Cali. Pangur Ban was not happy with being stuck in her carrier, but she probably would have ended up plastered to the front window otherwise.

When I finally arrived at Point Arena lighthouse I climbed all the way to the top, which happens to be the tallest lighthouse on the West Coast. 115 feet later I was feeling suspiciously light headed and overheated. I'm chalking it up to altitude rather than wussy out-of-shape-ness.

Afterwards I drove to my hotel in Petaluma, then Pangur and I went on to Point Reyes. The beach was beautiful, and my mind is still reeling from the glorious smell of ocean brine and the roar of the waves.

My editor in chief says that when I finally make money off writing I can move to the ocean...I said as long as I didn't live on Highway 1. That road is very frustrating. It didn't help that I was in a moment I was going 60mph and then the next there was a sign in front of me that said 15mph turn! Oy!

When the sun set I was tucked safe in my hotel where I collapsed and fell asleep in seconds. In the morning I hit Jamba Juice (much <3) and then drove to visit my sister in Napa. After that it was a straight shot home. After feeding Pangur and I collapsed and took a 3 hour nap. I think I need to practice this crazy two day driving trip stuff...

I guess after Pangur and I are well rested we'll be planning a new trip. Of course, I have to write Selkie Dance first.

(Pictures curtesy of Victor, my camcorder, hopefully more will be coming soon...I have to put some new batteries in :P)

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